Event Categories

2313 events found.
Secondary English Best Practice Forum
This is a 3 session course
This series of meetings provides opportunities to share the development of successful practice at Key Stage 3, 4 and 5. We will discuss approaches to the new curriculum, renewed frameworks and how to improve and embed the teaching of literacy skills across the whole school curriculum.
The role of the subject leader is examined: improving the teaching and learning of English for all groups of students, especially those who are vulnerable, including the use of data, tracking, interventions, appraisal and Ofsted evaluation systems. Where appropriate, members of the group and external speaker ...
Essential Information:  
Course Code: BPFS/13/186
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 29 November 201309:15 - 12:15South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 2Friday 21 March 201409:15 - 12:15South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 3Friday 27 June 201409:15 - 12:15South Gloucestershire Music Hub
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SIMS Staff Performance (EVENT FULL)
This is a 1 session course
Essential Information: This course will be charged at £90 per school 
Course Code: SIM/13/466
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 29 November 201309:00 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
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Statutory Assessment: End of Key Stage 2 (New to Year 6)
This is a 1 session course
This half day workshop will provide support and advice to participants in effective teacher assessment in Year 6. It will help participants in levelling and moderating pupil’s everyday class work. It is aimed at teachers new or returning to Year 6.

The course will:
• Highlight national and local guidance
• Model moderation of Numeracy and literacy work
• Discuss effective planning in classroom practice
• Provide opportunities to ask questions
Essential Information:  
Course Code: MATH/13/194
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 4 December 201313:00 - 16:00South Gloucestershire Music Hub
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NQT Developing Teaching and Learning Skills: Planning for Challenge in Reception EYFS 2
This is a 1 session course
How do you plan to meet the children’s interests and also ensure coverage of a stimulating age appropriate curriculum? This session will include ways of recording learning through observation, dialogue and incorporating this into planning. We will focus on how to use observations to assess learning and plan next steps for children. NQTs will also have an opportunity to attend a series of 6 network meetings for teachers new / returning to reception, as well as stand alone Profile training.
Essential Information:  
Course Code: NQTP/13/346
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 5 December 201309:00 - 12:00Jubilee Centre
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Secondary Photography Best Practice Forum
This is a 2 session course
This fora supports Photography teachers teaching GCSE, BTEC and A level or wishing to set up courses. Topics will include self evaluation, monitoring and how to fulfil the assessment objectives; standardisation; darkroom skills and techniques; Photoshop skills and techniques; using lighting to improve technical photography and the sharing of resources and exemplar materials. Partner colleges will be invited to contribute.
Essential Information:  
Course Code: BPFS/13/256
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 5 December 201309:30 - 12:30Castle School
Session 2TBA Castle School
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SIMS Staff Performance - Secondary Only (EVENT FULL)
This is a 1 session course
Essential Information: This course will be charged at £90 per school 
Course Code: SIM/13/468
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 5 December 201309:00 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
Event Closed
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Primary Science Best Practice Forum
This is a 3 session course
Session 1: planning in science. Implementing the new national curriculum. How to do it!

Session 2: Skills in science: how to teach them and how to assessment them. Tracking and assessing pupils in science concepts.

Session 3: everything you wanted to know about science but dare not ask. Explore ideas such as electricity, force, states of matter, changing materials etc. Having fun improving your own knowledge base so you can support other members of your school and inspire your pupils.
Essential Information:  
Course Code: BPFP/13/334
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 6 December 201313:15 - 16:00Jubilee Centre
Session 2Tuesday 4 March 201413:15 - 16:00Cleve Rugby Club
Session 3TBA Cleve Rugby Club
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Secondary Science Best Practice Forum
This is a 3 session course
This series of meetings will focus on a issues that are of concern to many science leaders across the area:

' What does the government mean when they say students with a gift or talent in science are not reaching their expected level of achievement? Explore the work of Carol Dweck in relation to this statement
' Updates on the revised NC for science and discussion about how difference schools are implementing it
' The Sutton trust report in relation to science. A language of learning our students understand and feedback that enhances progress
' What is directional leadership? Exploring ...
Essential Information:  
Course Code: BPFS/13/314
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 6 December 201309:15 - 12:00Jubilee Centre
Session 2Tuesday 4 March 201409:15 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
Session 3TBA Cleve Rugby Club
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SIMS Staff Performance (EVENT FULL)
This is a 1 session course
Essential Information: This course will be charged at £90 per school 
Course Code: SIM/13/196
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 10 December 201309:00 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
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Exams Organiser - for Domestic Exams
This is a 1 session course
This course is for secondary schools wishing to make the most of the Exams Organiser module in SIMS to manage Domestic Exams such as GCSE mocks, KS3 and other internal exams organised by the school. The software will allow schools to make use of the seating planner in Exams Organiser to manage the effective seating of pupils and can link to Assessment in SIMS for schools wishing to generate their own base data which is then visible in the Assessment side of SIMS.
Essential Information:  
Course Code: SIM/13/372
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact ststraining@southglos.gov.uk
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 12 December 201309:00 - 12:00Integra Training Rooms
Event Closed
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