This full ‘day ‘hands on’ workshop will introduce Numicon as a resource to support all areas of the maths curriculum for all pupils. The workshop will look at practical ideas for the core areas of maths together with time to look at investigations.
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Wednesday 2 October 2013
09:30 - 15:30
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Syntax, Sentences and Sequencing: Developing Grammar in KS1
This series of three sessions explores the technical aspects of grammar including: Word Structure: classes, tenses and phrases; Sentence Structure: clauses, simple, compound and complex sentences and Text Structure: cohesion and coherence. It provides teachers with ideas and strategies to support contextualised, creative and engaging teaching and explains national expectations in relation to progression and the new curriculum. The focus will be on levels 1-3 (our KS2 grammar network will focus on levels 4-6) although there will obviously be some over-lap.
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Thursday 3 October 2013
09:00 - 12:00
Cleve Rugby Club
Session 2
Thursday 14 November 2013
09:00 - 12:00
Cleve Rugby Club
Session 3
Tuesday 14 January 2014
09:00 - 12:00
Cleve Rugby Club
Primary Health and Wellbeing Best Practice Fora
These meetings now incorporate support for both PSHE and SEAL subject leaders in the coordination and development of PSHE.
This fora will provide a place for discussion, sharing of excellent practice and developing PSHE and SEAL in the light of national changes to the primary school curriculum. It will also provide an opportunity to support schools with the promotion of health education previously undertaken through the
Healthy Schools and Healthy Schools Plus programmes.
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Friday 4 October 2013
13:00 - 16:00
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 2
Monday 12 May 2014
13:00 - 16:00
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
NQT New to Secondary Maths
This series of meetings will provide an opportunity for Newly Qualified, early career years, and inexperienced teachers of Maths to meet and discuss issues associated with the teaching and learning of the subject. Sessions will include opportunities for discussion, sharing of good practice and practical exploration of pedagogy. Where appropriate, members of the group and external speakers will be invited to contribute to the sessions.
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Monday 7 October 2013
09:00 - 12:30
Castle School
Session 2
Monday 10 February 2014
09:15 - 12:15
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 3
Tuesday 24 June 2014
09:05 - 12:15
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Assistant and Deputy Head Induction
This 3 day programme is ideal for those new to post and in acting positions. It will include: exploring the complexities of the role and responsibilities of the deputy, leading whole school change, mixing leadership and management appropriately; time management and prioritisation; managing conflict and the leadership of people; understanding governance, coaching for improvement; building partnerships.
Please note there has been a change of date for the first of this three session course from the 3rd October to the 8th October.
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Tuesday 8 October 2013
09:15 - 15:30
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 2
Thursday 28 November 2013
09:15 - 15:30
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 3
Thursday 6 February 2014
09:15 - 15:30
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Boosting the Boys
This course is aimed at those who are interested in improving outcomes and attainment for boys, with a particular focus on writing. Session 1: The Big Picture - will consider research findings and the implications and discuss how to use pupil voice to gather boys’ opinions about literacy. Effective curriculum mapping over a term will be the key element; with ideas about how to meaningfully use purpose and audience; the learning environment and resources to engage learners. Session 2: Taking this Into Planning - will model how to engage boys throughout each phase of teaching. Delegates will ha ...
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Wednesday 9 October 2013
09:00 - 12:00
Cleve Rugby Club
Session 2
Tuesday 5 November 2013
09:00 - 16:00
Cleve Rugby Club
Session 3
Wednesday 26 March 2014
09:00 - 12:00
St Peter's Anglican/Methodist VC Primary School
Secondary Drama Best Practice Forum
This series of meetings will develop staff understanding of Drama pedagogies, strategic leadership of Drama and enhance your range of activities and resources in classroom practice. Each session will have a major focus and will be a mix of practical workshops with room for further discussion:
Session one: Sharing about KS3 Assessments. Looking at different types of assessments, being consistent in levelling & moderation.
Session two: How to support your colleagues who are non-specialists teach Drama.
Session three: Looking at a selection of Theatre Practitioners for work with K ...
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Wednesday 9 October 2013
13:00 - 16:00
Marlwood Secondary School
Session 2
Wednesday 5 February 2014
13:00 - 16:00
Patchway Community School
Session 3
Wednesday 18 June 2014
13:00 - 16:00
Bradley Stoke Community School (Secondary Phase)
Secondary Staff Development Best Practice Forum
This fora supports staff development leaders in their roles in secondary schools and academies. It provides an opportunity to debate key aspects of the role and build collaboration between schools. This includes regular review of external and in house training; staff development programmes, sharing expertise and joint policy writing between schools, impact evaluation; appraisal and performance management; models of leadership; teacher and professional standards frameworks including ITT and NQT support; further professional study and new exam specification CPD issues.
Agendas always inclu ...
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Wednesday 9 October 2013
09:15 - 12:15
Hanham Woods Academy
Session 2
Tuesday 10 December 2013
13:00 - 16:00
King's Oak Academy
Session 3
Thursday 6 February 2014
09:15 - 12:15
Patchway Community School
Session 4
Wednesday 23 April 2014
13:00 - 16:00
Marlwood Secondary School
Session 5
Tuesday 8 July 2014
09:15 - 12:15
Bradley Stoke Community School (Secondary Phase)
Middle Leadership Development Programme
This programme comprises 9 twilight face to face sessions meeting in different delegates schools where convenient and includes; A leadership skills diagnostic; A variety of leadership topics (e.g. leadership styles, leading a team and team types, use of data, leading teaching and learning, monitoring, accountability and delegation); Short tasks to be completed back in school; A ‘learning challenge’ project back in school to close an identified gap in pupil attainment; Coaching conversations with a school based learning coach
This programme can also be delivered as a bespoke package to an ide ...
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
Session Date
Session Time
Session Venue
Session 1
Thursday 10 October 2013
16:15 - 18:15
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 2
Thursday 7 November 2013
16:15 - 18:15
South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 3
Thursday 14 November 2013
16:15 - 18:15
Chandag Junior School
Session 4
Thursday 21 November 2013
16:15 - 18:15
Chandag Junior School
Session 5
Thursday 28 November 2013
16:15 - 18:15
Blackhorse Primary School
Session 6
Thursday 16 January 2014
16:15 - 18:15
Blackhorse Primary School
Session 7
Thursday 6 February 2014
16:15 - 18:15
Session 8
Thursday 15 May 2014
16:15 - 18:15
Kings Forest Primary School
Session 9
Thursday 12 June 2014
16:15 - 18:15
The Kingfisher School
NQT Developing Teaching and Learning Skills: Literacy 1 (EVENT FULL)
Good literacy skills are at the heart of any curriculum and permeate every single subject and conversation. This series of three training sessions (please book on each session separately) will enable you to synthesize all the information available and developed over many years, and look forwards to the new primary curriculum. Most importantly, you will develop and refine further strategies to promote reading, writing and communication right across the curriculum.