575 events found.
SAS - Ofsted Overview of Expectations - Subject Leadership for School Improvement - Stroud Association Schools Only

This is a four-session course to support subject leaders in their roles of monitoring improvement within their subject. Sessions will focus on the core aspects of leadership and management through taking a detailed dive into their subjects and linking to expectations of the Ofsted Inspection Framework.

Sessions 1 and 2 are online and sessions 3 and 4 are face to face.

Sessions 3 and 4 are optional. Sessions will cover:

Session 1 Heads
Overview of the Ofsted framework from the School Inspection Handbook and statutory expectations including recent changes

Course Code: LM/23/189
Essential Information: Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct as this is where we will send your access link and any resources a few days in advance of the session. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 30 November 202309:30 - 12:00Online Training
Session 2Tuesday 19 December 202313:00 - 15:30Online Training
Session 3Friday 19 January 202409:00 - 11:30Stonehouse Community Centre
Session 4Wednesday 20 March 202409:00 - 11:30Stonehouse Community Centre
Event Closed
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SAS - TAs supporting pupils with English KS2 - Stroud Association Schools only

This sequence of two half-day sessions will support teaching assistants to understand the expectations for the development of reading and writing skills in KS2, as set out in the National Curriculum 2014. In addition to discussing the knowledge and skills outlined in the above document, we will also explore some teaching strategies to support their acquisition.

This is for SAS Schools only.

Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with details of how to access the online training, which will be sent via a link to the email address on your CP ...

Essential Information: Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with details of how to access the online training, which will be sent via a link to the email address on your CPD Online account. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. If it needs changing this can be done via your CPD Online account or please contact the Training Admin Team on 01454 863183. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 30 November 202309:15 - 12:00To Be Confirmed
Session 2Tuesday 20 February 202413:00 - 15:45Cotswold Bowls Club
Event Closed
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Basic SIMS Reporting for All Schools

The course will cover basic SIMS Reporting to support day-to-day administration reporting procedures. 

This event is free to attend, for the first candidate attending from settings that subscribe to the IMS team's support service. There is a charge of £95 for any additional candidates attending the same event and for non-subscribing schools. If you have any queries about this event, or to arrange on-site training, please contact the IMS Support Team on 01454 86 5300.

Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with details of how to access the online ...

Essential Information: This is an online course via Teams. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate. This event is free to attend for the first candidate attending from settings that subscribe to the IMS team's support service. There is a charge for any additional candidates attending the same event. If you have any queries about this event, or to arrange on-site training, please contact the IMS Support Team on 01454 86 5300. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 5 December 202309:30 - 12:00Online Training
Event Closed
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Adaptive Teaching Approaches for Classroom Teachers - Flexible Grouping

Adaptive Teaching Approaches for classroom teachers using the ‘Five-a-day' approach.

A series of one hours online sessions for all teachers.

The ‘Five-a-day’ approach allows educators to embed a set of teaching habits that feel manageable in reality. And best of all, these approaches come out of an evidence review that looked specifically at the impact on academic progress for pupils with SEND in mainstream settings. Using this research, we will examine in detail what each element requires and delegates will explore how they can make this work in their clas ...

Essential Information: Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct as this is where we will send your access link and any resources a few days in advance of the session. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 11 December 202315:30 - 16:30Online Training
Event Closed
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SAS - Assessing Year 2 in 2024: Beyond the teacher assessment framework - joint English and maths focus Stroud Association Schools Only

This is a 2 session course.

As you will no doubt be aware key stage 1 (KS1) assessments will no longer be statutory from the academic year 2023 to 2024 onwards. This means that the following KS1 assessments will become optional:

• teacher assessment judgements in English reading, English writing, mathematics and science
• tests in English reading and mathematics (the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test will also remain optional)
• where relevant, using the pre-key stage standards or engagement model

For many years Year 2 teacher ha ...

Essential Information: Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with details of how to access the online training, which will be sent via a link to the email address on your CPD Online account. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. If it needs changing this can be done via your CPD Online account or please contact the Training Admin Team on 01454 863183. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat.  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 14 December 202309:30 - 12:00Online Training
Session 2Tuesday 19 March 202413:15 - 15:45Whitminster Endowed C of E Primary School - (SAS)
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SIMS Census update

The course will cover all elements for the generation of the Spring census return for your setting.

The course will cover all aspects of the Spring census return.

The course is suitable for delegates from primary and secondary phase settings, as well as from special schools.

This is an online course via Teams. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate.

This event is free to attend, for the first candidate attending from settings that subscribe to the IM ...

Essential Information: This is an online course via Teams. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate. This event is free to attend, for the first candidate attending from settings that subscribe to the IMS team's support service. There is a charge for any additional candidates attending the same event. If you have any queries about this event, or to arrange on-site training, please contact the IMS Support Team on 01454 86 5300.  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 10 January 202409:30 - 12:00Online Training
Event Closed
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SAS - Teaching Writing: Cohesion & Coherence

Cohesion is one of the most significant writing issues that has come to the fore since the pandemic. Pupils from all year groups are struggling to maintain cohesion and teachers can be unsure about how to address writing that doesn't make sense. This has been emphasised through moderation, where the understanding of cohesion has been a key focus in STA training.

This half-day course will focus on coherence and cohesion: what the terms mean; what cohesive devices are; how they work and strategies to support pupils in ensuring their writing makes sense.

The session is appropri ...

Essential Information: Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with details of how to access the online training, which will be sent via a link to the email address on your CPD Online account. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. If it needs changing this can be done via your CPD Online account or please contact the Training Admin Team on 01454 863183. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat.  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 15 January 202409:15 - 11:45Online Training
Event Closed
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Understanding Expectations Series: Greater Depth Writing in Year 6

The 2023 statutory assessment cycle reflected continuing issues in relation to writing moderation, the most significant of which was the interpretation of what constitutes greater depth. Key issues were teachers’ and leaders’ misunderstanding about the criteria and requirements, alongside a lack of confidence and clarity when explaining judgements.

This three-part course examines the requirements for greater depth in detail, explaining what is expected in upper KS2 in terms of both grammar and composition. Delegates will receive advice and support about structuring progr ...

Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 16 January 202409:15 - 12:00Pomphrey Hill Sports Pavilion
Session 2Tuesday 30 January 202409:15 - 12:00Pomphrey Hill Sports Pavilion
Session 3Wednesday 28 February 202409:15 - 12:00Pomphrey Hill Sports Pavilion
Event Closed
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SAS - Teaching Writing: The Difference Between High EXS and GDS in Year 6

Conversations during KS2 statutory moderation are often dominated by writing which is on the borerline of being GDS but does not quite meet the standard. There are many reasons for this, with the most common issue being a lack of clarity around the complex GDS statements.

This course will unpick GDS criteria in detail; explore the key differences between high EXS and GDS and look at wider exemplification materials to support moderating borderline writing in the future.

This courseis for SAS Schools only

Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with ...

Essential Information: Delegates will be contacted three days before the session with details of how to access the online training, which will be sent via a link to the email address on your CPD Online account. Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct. If it needs changing this can be done via your CPD Online account or please contact the Training Admin Team on 01454 863183. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat.  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 18 January 202409:15 - 11:45Online Training
Event Closed
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Understanding Expectations Series: Greater Depth Writing in Year 2

This half day course will examine what greater depth writing looks like in Year 2, providing ideas and strategies to support teaching and learning for more able writers.

It will also consider how greater depth can be assessed now that the TAF is no longer statutory.

All Year 2 teachers, both new and experienced alike, will find this session extremely useful. Feedback from previous delegates has been consistently excellent, with many experienced Year 2 teachers saying they found the session invaluable.

Delegates may also find the partner course Understanding E ...

Essential Information: Please ensure that the email address you have registered with is correct as this is where we will send your access link and any resources a few days in advance of the session. Only the actual delegate booked onto the course will be able to participate and must announce themselves by confirming their name and school in the group chat. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 29 January 202409:15 - 12:00Pomphrey Hill Sports Pavilion
Event Closed
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