2313 events found.
Working at Height

This course is aimed at staff who work a height using ladders and step ladders in the workplace.

Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 25 February 201609:30 - 13:00Acorn Health and Safety Training
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Meeting Expectations in Y3/4
Due to many requests, we're running a course focusing purely on Y3/4. Over the two sessions we'll consider: the key skills that children need in relation to reading and writing; what the terminology means; how it looks in practice; how to secure reading and writing to meet the age-related expectations and strategies to support and develop progress for all groups of children.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 29 February 201609:15 - 12:15Integra Training Rooms
Session 2Tuesday 19 April 201609:15 - 12:15Integra Training Rooms
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Statutory Assessment Briefing for end of key stage 1 2016

This briefing is aimed at all year 2 teachers and senior
leaders in school.

This hour and a half briefing will cover the following

  • The key messages from the Assessment and Reporting
    Arrangements – what actions need to be taken in school
  • Interim teacher assessment and evidence base for
  • A look at the national exemplification for
    reading, writing and mathematics
  • Tests and access arrangements – implications for
    classroom practice
  • Moderation

There will be time to discuss an ...

Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 29 February 201616:00 - 17:30Crossways Junior School
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Managing Grievances Workshop
The ability to deal with grievances as quickly and informally as possible is critical in avoiding Stage 2 of the Grievance Procedure. If Stage 2 is invoked by a member of your staff this can be timely and damaging to relationships within the school. Many problems can be solved quickly and often a discussion with that member of staff with required action is all that is needed to resolve issues raised. However, there are instances where grievances cannot be dealt with informally and this course will help delegates to learn how to conduct an effective investigation where required and how to commu ...
Essential Information: The charge is £80 per person for those schools subscribing to the HR for Schools service, or £110 per person to schools that do not subscribe to the HR for Schools service. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 1 March 201609:30 - 12:00Baileys Court Activity Centre
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NQT Developing Teaching and Learning Skills: English 2 Writing for KS2
Good English skills are at the heart of any curriculum and permeate every area of it. This series of four training sessions(please book on each session separately) will enable you to develop your understanding of what constitutes effective teaching and learning in English. The sessions will focus on: Reading across KS1; Writing across KS 1; Reading across KS2; Writing across KS2. Within the reading sessions, we will focus on the planning and delivery of guided reading along with phonics (KS1)and spelling (KS2). Within the writing, we will explore the reading into writing teaching sequence and ...
Essential Information: Please DO NOT book until you have confirmed your package choice to Amanda Battle and she has replied Amanda.Battle@southglos.gov.uk 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 3 March 201609:15 - 12:15Integra Training Rooms
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Appointed First Aid
This one-day course meets the requirements of the HSE syllabus and covers the HSE Recommendations for training of an Appointed Person (the minimum requirement for first aid cover at work. Topics include CPR, dealing with an unconsciousness casualty, choking and Major Bleeding. Time is also given to discussing injuries and ailments common in the workplace, both inside and outside the school. Emphasis is placed on individual and group practice of the skills needed in life-threatening situations. This is underpinned by encouraging an understanding of both the processes and the reasoni ...
Essential Information: 110 full cost or £93.50 for school subscribing to Schools Health and Safety 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 7 March 201609:30 - 16:30Integra Training Rooms
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Appointed First Aid
This one-day course meets the requirements of the HSE syllabus and covers the HSE Recommendations for training of an Appointed Person (the minimum requirement for first aid cover at work. Topics include CPR, dealing with an unconsciousness casualty, choking and Major Bleeding. Time is also given to discussing injuries and ailments common in the workplace, both inside and outside the school. Emphasis is placed on individual and group practice of the skills needed in life-threatening situations. This is underpinned by encouraging an understanding of both the processes and the reasoning ...
Essential Information: 110 full cost or £93.50 for school subscribing to Schools Health and Safety 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 8 March 201609:30 - 16:30Integra Training Rooms
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SIMS Dinner Money (EVENT FULL)
SIMS Dinner Money is used in around two thirds of South Gloucestershire Primary schools to support the administration of this essential business process. Linking this with SIMS Agora, the electronic on-line payment system further enhances its uses. This course covers the setting up and use of the Dinner Money module for new users or those wishing to embed their knowledge.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 8 March 201609:30 - 15:30Integra Training Rooms
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Meeting Expectations in Y5/6
Due to many requests, we’re running training focusing specifically on Y5/6 and subject knowledge in relation to the primary curriculum.  Over the two sessions we’ll consider: the key skills that children need in relation to reading and writing; what the terminology means; how it looks in practice; how to secure reading and writing to meet the age-related expectations and strategies to support and develop progress for all groups of children.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 9 March 201609:00 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
Session 2Thursday 28 April 201609:00 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
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Paediatric First Aid (EVENT FULL)
This a two-day course originally approved and controlled by the National Childminders Association and the Pre-School Learning Alliance. Required by SureStart and the DFEE for those having the care of children up to the age of eight , is valid for children of all ages. The programme includes CPR using adult, child and baby manikins, dealing with an unconsciousness casualty, choking and major bleeding. Aside from the skills for life-threatening situations the management of small casualties is included, particularly in relation to head injuries, casualty assessment and various forms of minor bl ...
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 9 March 201609:30 - 16:30Integra Training Rooms
Session 2Thursday 10 March 201609:30 - 16:30Integra Training Rooms
Event Closed
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