2313 events found.
Safe Practice in PE and Sport for Primary Schools
This professional learning course is designed to help staff to feel confident when dealing with health and safety issues in school PE. It aims to reduce the concerns that many staff have about the responsibilities and risks associated with teaching and managing an exciting PE programme, and encourages them to design challenging lessons, and know that they are safe. Part of the course is used to look at a simple approach to risk assessment in PE as recommended by the Association for Physical Education (afPE), and helps staff to consider key elements of a PE policy.

The style of deliv ...
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 10 October 201609:00 - 15:30Poole Court (Yate Town Council)
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Meeting Expectations in Year 2
This training is specifically for Year 2 teachers. Over the two sessions we’ll consider: the key skills that children need in relation to reading and writing; what the terminology means; how it looks in practice; how to secure reading and writing to meet the age-related expectations and strategies to support and develop progress for all groups of children.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 11 October 201613:15 - 16:15Cleve Rugby Club
Session 2Wednesday 2 November 201613:15 - 16:15Integra Training Rooms
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Microsoft Excel 2010 - Basic
This course is an introduction to Excel 2010 covering basic concepts of spreadsheet use including basic functions and formatting.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 11 October 201609:30 - 15:30Integra Training Rooms
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NQTs Twilight: Maximising the impact of teaching assistants

This course is for both newly qualified teachers and those that have recently qualified or have returned to teaching after a break. The course is suitable for both Primary AND Secondary staff.

Teaching assistants work under the direction of you, the class teacher, we will consider best practice and recent research in making this work.
(Please note that twilight sessions are NOT part of the NQT Package)
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 11 October 201616:00 - 17:30Abbotswood Primary School
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Introduction to Swimming (EVENT FULL)

This course is predominantly classroom based. It will increase your knowledge & understanding of
the basic swimming requirements in a primary school swimming programme and health & safety
aspects in and around the pool area. This course will provide you with help and guidance on how to teach beginners to swim, developing through to the teaching of recognised strokes and water
proficiency. There will be lots of opportunities for Q & A and an opportunity to go poolside and cover teaching techniques.

Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 12 October 201609:30 - 11:30Yate Leisure Centre
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Primary Science Best Practice Forum

During the course of the year we will share best practice and support for primary science. Across the 3 half day sessions will include:

  • Raising and maintaining the profile of primary science
  • Assessment, progression and differentiation
  • Subject leadership for primary science
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 12 October 201613:00 - 16:00Abbotswood Primary School
Session 2Wednesday 8 February 201713:00 - 16:00Integra Training Rooms
Session 3Tuesday 23 May 201713:00 - 16:00Integra Training Rooms
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NQTs Safeguarding - Identification to Action

This course is suitable for teachers in primary and secondary.

A regular opportunity to revise your understanding of safeguarding and child protection is essential. This training will ensure that you know what you need to know about safeguarding children, and how to take any necessary action. All cases are different but this course will help you to feel confident that you know how to respond in line with scho ...
Essential Information: This course is part of the NQT Package - please contact amanda.battle@southglos.gov.uk to advise your package choice if you haven't already done so. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 13 October 201609:00 - 12:00Integra Training Rooms
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SIMS .net Personnel
This course is for all new users of SIMS staff area.
This course is free for a single delegate from each subscribing setting.
Essential Information: This event is free to attend, for the first delegate attending from settings that subscribe to the IMS team's support service. There is a charge for any additional delegate attending the same event. If you have any queries about this event, or to arrange on-site training, please contact the IMS Support Team on 01454 86 5300. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 13 October 201609:30 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
Event Closed
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Meeting Expectations in Year 1
Over the two sessions we’ll consider: the key skills that children need in relation to reading and writing; what the terminology means; how it looks in practice; how to secure reading and writing to meet the age-related expectations and strategies to support and develop progress for all groups of children.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 14 October 201609:15 - 12:15Integra Training Rooms
Session 2Wednesday 2 November 201609:15 - 12:15Integra Training Rooms
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Exams Organiser - for Domestic Exams
This course is for staff at secondary schools who want to make the most of the Exams Organiser module in SIMS to manage domestic exams such as GCSE mocks, KS3 and other internal exams organised by the school. The software will allow schools to make use of the seating planner in Exams Organiser to manage the effective seating of pupils and can link to assessment in SIMS for schools wishing to generate their own base data which is then visible in the assessment focus in SIMS .net.
Essential Information: This event is free to attend, for the first candidate attending from settings that subscribe to the IMS team's support service. There is a charge for any additional candidates attending the same event. If you have any queries about this event, or to arrange on-site training, please contact the IMS Support Team on 01454 86 5300. 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 17 October 201609:00 - 12:00Integra Training Rooms
Event Closed
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