2313 events found.
Primary Modern Foreign Languages Best Practice Forum
This forum aims to provide updates on language teaching and learning, also giving advice and guidance on the strategic leadership of primary languages. There are opportunities for all colleagues to share best practice, resources, and schemes of work, special events and cross curricular ways of working.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 22 November 201309:15 - 12:15South Gloucestershire Music Hub
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SIMS Staff Performance
Essential Information: This course will be charged at £90 per school 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Friday 22 November 201309:00 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
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Experienced SENCO Conference NASEN
'A Whole School Approach to Improving Access, Participation and Achievement' is a training day developed and delivered by NASEN with the help of SENCOs for the use in schools. You will be given the highly respected NASEN tool-kit. This offers schools a training programme which is flexible and adaptable enough to meet groups' and individuals' needs in school and support action planning.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 25 November 201309:00 - 16:00Eastwood Park
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Primary Play Best Practice Forum
This forum will introduce practitioners to the foundations of therapeutic play skills. In session 1 we will be looking at the importance of relationship and listening within play in the context of specific play mediums including art, storytelling, and movement. In session 2, we will be looking at the practical application of these skills in a school setting and study in more detail specific play mediums such as drama, sand and creative visualization.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Monday 25 November 201313:15 - 16:15South Gloucestershire Music Hub
Session 2Monday 17 March 201413:15 - 16:15South Gloucestershire Music Hub
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NQT Conference - Learning Sanity in the Classroom
The central theme is that positive relationships and emotionally intelligent leadership are essential for high quality learning to occur. During the day you will explore skills, structures and attitudes that most skilled teachers routinely demonstrate, including how to build resilience, influence and confidence in yourself; correcting with dignity and dealing with 'comebacks'; the 4R's of effective organisation your classroom and strategies to respond effectively to the most common classroom misbehaviours
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 26 November 201309:00 - 16:00Somerdale Pavilion
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SIMS Staff Performance
Essential Information: This course will be charged at £90 per school 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Tuesday 26 November 201309:00 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
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Primary Assessment Best Practice Fora
This forum meets three times during the year and is an opportunity for Assessment subject leaders to keep up to date and share practice. Each session includes local and national updates, a chance to share resources and ideas and a main training session on a key area of development.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 27 November 201309:00 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
Session 2Tuesday 1 April 201409:00 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
Session 3Wednesday 2 July 201409:00 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
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SIMS Staff Performance (EVENT FULL)
Essential Information: This course will be charged at £90 per school 
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Wednesday 27 November 201309:00 - 12:30Integra Training Rooms
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NQT Developing Teaching and Learning Skills: Literacy 3
Sessions 2 and 3 will respond to the identified needs of the group and will include planning, monitoring, assessment, tricky subject knowledge and the inclusion of vulnerable children. As always, these teaching and learning skills will support the development of quality literacy across the whole curriculum.
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 28 November 201309:00 - 12:00Cleve Rugby Club
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SIMS Discover for Primaries (EVENT FULL)
SIMS Discover is used with your SIMS database, which allows a wide range of data from SIMS to be interrogated in a clean, modern interface with simple drag and drop actions. Quick, clear data analysis allows earlier interventions to ensure you maximise the performance of your pupils. SIMS Discover enables your school to become not just data rich but information rich. SIMS Discover is a valuable tool to help raise standards as well as measure attainment across a range of Data areas in SIMS simply. These areas include Attendance, Behaviour, Assessment data and a range of Pupil characteristics an ...
Essential Information:  
Please note no further online bookings can be taken for this course - To enquire if there are still places available contact the Admin contact
SessionSession DateSession TimeSession VenueMap
Session 1Thursday 28 November 201309:00 - 12:00Integra Training Rooms
Event Closed
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